The Future of Time talk

Talk: The Future of Time at work

How to boost productivity, diversity and wellbeing in your organisation by 're-working' time.

A one hour talk aimed at anyone who can influence change in their team or organisation.


Time is our most valuable asset, and it’s finite.  So how we all use our time at work is a critical question. But we rarely talk about this. Worse, we have a whole load of unhealthy time norms and habits at work. We are stuck in an old way of operating that works for a few but disadvantages many. We urgently need to find a better way of managing our time at work that is more beneficial to employees, careers and the bottom line.

In this interactive webinar, Helen describes six traits of time-focused organisations and shares tangible examples from different businesses and industries.  Participants will learn three ways to get ‘re-working’ time on their business agenda, how to role model ‘time-intelligent’ leadership and how to manage working time successfully across a team.
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