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All aboard for adventure

May 03, 2021

Have you booked a foreign holiday yet?

Some people have already booked their holiday abroad for early summer, anticipating positive news from the Government on 17th May, while others are steering clear of making any plans involving the need for a passport. We’re still in the latter camp for now. Don’t get me wrong, we’re desperate to be somewhere different and explore another country’s culture and scenery. John fantasises daily about a train trip to Rome via Paris and Turin, immersed in history and excellent restaurants. He’s worked out the route and the train times. I suspect he’s secretly packed his bag too, ready to go at the drop of a hat. I picture myself in the Nordics, wild swimming along the beautiful coastline and eating pickled vegetables, freshly caught fish and cardamon buns. Fortunately we’d both be content to settle for each other’s holiday vision. Isabella won’t mind where she goes as long as it sounds fun and includes ice-cream and an excessively large breakfast buffet.  And provided there are no alligators, sharks or crocodiles when we’re wild swimming, apparently. 

Like many others in the UK, we’re cherishing the slight loosening of Covid restrictions after our long winter confinement.  Being able to safely see family, meet up with friends and enjoy a spot of hospitality outdoors (wrapped up to the nines in the frostiest April for sixty years) feels a blessed relief. Infection rates may have plummeted where we live but I’m painfully aware that for others, especially in India and Brazil, it’s still a terrifying time with illness, loss and stress weighing heavily on them.  It’s hitting home that we won’t be Covid free until every country has vaccinated its citizens and gained control over the virus.

Against this backdrop, whilst feeling grateful for a less anxious situation here in the UK, it dawned on me recently that the thing I’m missing most at the moment is adventure.  I’m craving adventure. Not in the sense of zipwiring off a hundred-foot-high cliff (done that, loved it) or caving (hyperventilating at the thought).  I’m not so much chasing adrenaline, more that fish-out-of-water feeling. Goodbye familiar surroundings and the same old weekly activities. Hello quirky surprises, a language I don’t speak and getting lost.  

As soon as we know what’s possible in May, we’ll be ditching the weekly food shop and heading off somewhere, with or without a plan. Frankly I’d be happy in a yurt in a field, being an outdoor-lover. John’s idea of adventure has certain minimum standards though, involving excellent coffee and no roughing it.  If we could wave our magic wands, we’d head straight to Australia to see my two grownup stepchildren, whom we sorely miss. Whilst it would breach Isabella’s other edict - no snakes - she’d be packing instantly if it meant seeing her big brother and sister again.  The thought of our family being complete again brings a lump to my throat. But that heart-swelling prospect is still some time off, the date unknown. We try not to think about that uncertainty too much.  

Australia aside, we’re not so keen on planes. We want to meander across the continent by train, watching the landscape and cities unfold in front of us and feeling the adventure unroll as the train speeds by. Stop at random places, discover something unexpected, bravely eat something we’ve not encountered on a plate before. Squabble over the map and laugh over shared surprises.  Get soaked in the rain in unfamiliar streets and watch the sun set over an interesting horizon. Discover places we’re sad to leave and others we’ll vow never to return to.  Laugh (afterwards) at the mishaps and misdirections. Reunite with lifelong friends who live abroad and make fleeting new friendships as we roam. Collect stamps in our new British passports (and no doubt queue at the borders).  

Bring it all on, I’m ready for it. Even the mountain of holiday laundry when we get home.

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Cup of tea and large slice of cake in hand. 5. Saying yes to coffees and phone calls with friends even when work and life feel too busy and I’m tempted to say ‘not this week’. I never regret making the time. Why not ask the same question to colleagues in your team? Your close friends or family? It might spark a new kind of conversation. And you might well discover that your future has already arrived.
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